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OFIA Version 1.19

Posted: 01/23/18

The OFIA team is pleased to announce that the next release of the OFIA portal has been pushed to production. WE have made it easier to respond back to the notifications that OFIA generates. Now, you can respond to anything OFIA sends and it will be automatically added as a comment inside the quote/job. In addition, you can copy [email protected] on any new emails or invoices and have that email automatically copied to the comments section in OFIA as well. It makes it really easy to have one place for ongoing conversations.
Below is the complete list of changes.
1. Allow one additional option (five total) for multiple option bids.
2. Make it more clear when the OFIA fee is and is not included when changing the financial information after a job has been awarded.
3. Replaced the provider name with the job name on the customer main dashboard, "Active Jobs" section.
4. Customers and providers can now respond to all emails since from OFIA and have them put in as comments.
5. Customers and providers can now include attachments when responding to OFIA emails.
6. Updated the "FROM" email address that OFIA uses for notifications, so it's clear that you *can* respond to them.
7. Anyone can now just email OFIA with the OFIA project number in the subject and it will automatically add a new comment.
8. Admin: Migrated the trouble tracking into a separate report.
9. Admin: Auto respond emails automatically post if validated.
10. Admin: Change the Invoice Report to show provider paid invoices.
11. Admin: Restrict Quote Overview report to 500 records, add pagation, link to quote helper.
12. Admin: Add an administrative screen to filter/search on emails that went out from OFIA.
13. Bug Fix: Number of canceled jobs not reported correctly on snapshot view.
14. Bug Fix: The "Pay Invoice" link sometimes reports invoices that are not yet due.
15. Bug Fix: Full Summary PDF can indicate that some answers are hidden when they should be visible.
16. Bug Fix: Full Summary PDF is printing the column header "Description" on each page.
17. Bug Fix: Purchase Order PDFs were getting cut off at the top in certain conditions.
18. Bug Fix: Clicking on the "Update Information" button on a closed case could cause an error.